Add, Edit, or Deactivate a User (Web)

Watch the video or scroll down for step-by-step instructions.

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Step-by-step instructions . . .


Select Settings > Users > Add User.


Enter the required information within all User fields.

Note: The Username must be unique as Skimmer is taking all Skimmer Usernames into account. The email address you enter will receive the reset password email if/when needed.


Select Role

Note: Selecting 'Tech' will populate Extra Privileges to select from. Opt in/out of each privilege (optional).


When finished, click Add New User.


To edit a User's information, select Settings > UsersEditSave User Info

Note: If updating a User’s password, click Save New Password.


To make a User inactive, select Settings > UsersEdit > uncheck User is Active > Save User Info.

Note: Click the Inactive tab to view inactive Users.