Skimmer Billing - How to Manage Invoices
To learn how to manage invoices generated with Skimmer Billing, see the video below. Or, if you prefer, scroll past the video to view our step-by-step text instructions.
Step-by-step instructions . . .
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Skimmer gives you complete control over the invoices you generate in Skimmer Billing. Here’s how to manage them. On the website, start by going to Billing and then Invoices. This screen will come into play after you’ve actually generated your invoices.
To start, look at the top row of boxes, which gives you a quick, high-level snapshot of the money you’re due to be paid based on the invoices you’ve generated. The left-most box shows what you’re owed within the next thirty days based on Sent invoices. The left-center box shows what is overdue, money you’re still expecting but it’s past the due date. The right-center box shows the total of those two numbers, which equals all outstanding payments you’re owed from Sent invoices. The right-most box is not related to the other three because it’s based on draft invoices, which are invoices that have been generated but not sent to the customers. Once you send those invoices, or mark them as Sent, the dollar amounts that make up the total in this box will move to the other boxes.
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Moving down the screen, you’ll see three tabs that you can use to view your invoices. The first tab is for Outstanding invoices. These are invoices you have sent to customers and that have not yet been fully paid.
The Draft tab shows invoices you’ve created, but not yet sent to customers or marked as Sent.
The All Invoices tab shows you every invoice you’ve created. That includes draft, outstanding, and paid invoices.
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Next, you have various boxes that you can use to filter the invoices on whatever tab you’re viewing. There are options to filter by date of generation, invoice status, customer name, and invoice number.
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For the invoices themselves, you get a line for each with key information. Generation and due dates, customer name, invoice number and money owed. That Status column is very important because it tells you, at a glance, where each invoice is in the billing process.
To the right of the Status column, note that we have a couple of draft invoices with an alert icon. Hovering over the icon reveals a notification that there’s no email address on file for this customer, so right now you can mark this invoice as Sent but not actually send it directly to the customer. If you want to do that, you’ll need to add an email address to their account.
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For each invoice, clicking Details brings you to a screen with full information about that invoice. We review every element of this screen, and all the functions you can perform here, in another video. And now you see how to access it from the Invoices page. To go back to the main screen, click Invoices in the top left corner.
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Next to the Details button, you’ll find another one that says More. Click it to reveal a dropdown list of functions you can perform for an individual invoice right from this screen, from Send to Preview to Delete.
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You can also apply some actions in bulk to multiple invoices. Click the checkbox on the left and you’ll see three bulk actions appear. For any invoice you select, you can choose to Send, Mark as Sent, or Delete.
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Lastly, clicking the button on the top right allows you to manually create a new invoice for any customer. So you’ll choose a customer and location, set invoice and due dates, add line items, then either Save, Send, or Mark as Sent.
Now, if you check the Outstanding tab, the new invoice we just created and sent is there.