Skimmer Billing – How to Manage Payments

To learn how to manage customer payments with Skimmer Billing, see the video below. Or, if you prefer, scroll past the video to view our step-by-step text instructions.

Step-by-step instructions . . .

You’ve done the work, sent the invoice, and payments are rolling in. Here’s how Skimmer Billing helps you track and manage customer payments. On the website, start by clicking on Billing and then Payments.

At the top of the page, you have three boxes that give you quick snapshot of what’s happening. The first box tells you the dollar amount of payments due this week. The second box lets you know if any there’s money you’re due, but the payment failed. Finally, the third box gives you the dollar amount of payments received for the current month so far.


If you only want to view a subset of payments, Skimmer gives you a number of different ways to filter the list. You can view by a specific date range.

You can view by status, such as Pending, Successful, Refunded, or even Disputed.

You can enter a customer’s name and view only their payments.

You can view by specific payment method, such as Cash, Card, or Online Payment.


You can also sort payments based on any column. So, if you want to sort by Invoice Number, click INVOICE at the top of that column. You can also click it again if you want to sort in reverse order. The same goes for any column on the screen.

For each payment, Skimmer gives you several things you can do. Note the buttons on the right side of the screen. The far left button lets you manually email a payment receipt. The left middle button lets you edit a payment for this particular invoice.

The right middle button lets you delete a payment – and if you choose to do this, keep in mind that the deletion is permanent and cannot be undone. The far right button lets you give a refund on that invoice. You can specify the refund amount, the refund date, and a reason the refund is being issued. Once the refund is entered, you’ll see the payment status changes to Refunded or Partially Refunded, and an alert icon shows you how much was refunded.

Finally, you can manually add a payment right from this screen. Maybe a customer only wants to pay by cash or check, or some other method that doesn’t directly connect to Skimmer Billing. This gives you a way to still keep track of their payments in the system. Just click the Add Payment button at the top right, which will open a payment box. Choose the customer and the invoice that the payment will be applied to, then specify the amount, the payment date, and the method. If you want to include any additional notes, you can do so with the box at the bottom. When you’re ready, click Add Payment, and you’ll see it’s now on the list.