Skimmer Billing Report - Invoice Details
Watch the video or scroll down for step-by-step instructions.
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Step-by-step instructions . . .
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Select Billing > Billing Reports > Invoice Detail - Invoice View.
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To choose a date range, click and select from the blue dropdown, or click the calendar to view a specific date range.
- Total Invoice Count shows the total number of invoices sent during the date range you set.
- Total Paid shows the money that’s been paid to you from those invoices. This can include whole and partial payments.
- Total Outstanding shows what you’re still owed from those invoices.
- Total Sales is the combination of Outstanding and Paid, so it’s the total amount you can expect to collect from the invoices within your date range.
- 3
To view further details, back out of this report, and select Invoice Detail - Work Item View.
- This report gives you different information about the same invoices we already viewed, focusing specifically on the work performed, and then showing the total amount you can expect to be paid for completing that work.
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Click the Export button to generate a spreadsheet (optional).
- On the spreadsheet, you can see that more columns are presented, giving you a wider snapshot of the information related to each invoice. Both invoice detail reports - whether you’re looking at balances or work items - will generate this same spreadsheet.
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Lastly, go back to the main screen and select Invoice Line Item Detail.
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In the details view, you’ll find specific information about the line item itself, the quantity, what you’re charging, and any taxes to be collected.
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Click the Export button to generate a spreadsheet (optional).