Quotes - Manage Settings

To learn the Quotes settings options, see the video below. Or, if you prefer, scroll past the video to view our step-by-step text instructions.


Step-by-step instructions . . .


Before you start creating and sending Quotes, you’ll want to configure their Settings. To do that, on the Skimmer website you’ll navigate to Settings > Quotes.

The first box you’ll see shows you the number assigned to the quote that was generated most recently. In the next box, you can choose the next number in the sequence. So if there are numbers you want to skip, or if you want to begin a whole new numbering sequence, you can change that setting here.


Default Customer Message is where you’ll add text that you want to appear on all generated Quotes. Maybe something like terms of service or a particular company policy. You can edit this message on individual Quotes when you’re building them, so if there’s a portion of the default message that you want to add to or subtract from for a specific customer, you can do that during the generation process.

You can choose to receive Office Email Alerts when a Quote is approved or rejected. If you toggle this on, the alerts will go to the same addresses you’ve chosen to receive alerts under Settings > General. This is useful for staying informed quickly, so you can know when to progress to the next step. For instance, if you receive an approval alert, you can right away go create a down payment invoice, which we’ll cover in another video.


Lastly, you can configure defaults for the email that delivers the Quote to your customer. Who and where it’s from, any addresses you want to receive a copy, and the default content of the email itself, such as the subject line and header and message.

When you’re happy with your Quote settings, click Save.