Orenda Calculator - General Help

The Orenda Calculatorâ„¢ serves two functions:

Chemical dosing (from current to desired levels)

Real-time LSI calculation based on the following factors:

  • Water temperature
  • PH
  • Carbonate alkalinity
  • Calcium hardness
  • Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
  • Cyanuric Acid (CYA)
  • Borate (if used)

Some factors are hyperlinked on the calculator to explain more.

How to use the calculator:

  • Input your pool volume at the top.
  • Adjust the dials on the left side to match your tested water chemistry. Be as accurate and as honest as possible.
  • Adjust the dials on the right side to match your desired chemistry levels.
  • Tap "Calculate" at the bottom.

Note: Chlorine and phosphates are on here for dosage purposes, but they do not factor into the LSI equation.

You can share your results on the dosing results page by tapping the top-right icon to share. It will share screenshots of both the calculator and the results page.

For more information, click here.