Mark Customers as Active or Inactive in Bulk (Web)

To learn how to mark multiple customers at once as active or inactive on the web, see the video below. Or, if you prefer, scroll past the video to view our step-by-step text instructions.


Step-by-step instructions . . .

Here’s how to change the active or inactive status of multiple customers at once. To start, on the website go to the Customers screen, and note the available checkboxes to the left of every account.
To access bulk management options, check at least one box. You can check as many customers as you want these changes to apply to. Note that when you do this, new options appear at the top of the screen, under the search and filter bars. For this video, we’ll focus on the Active and Inactive options.
To begin, we’ll select multiple customers and click Make Inactive. This will open a pop-up box that lets us choose what we want to remove from these customers, including any active route assignments and work orders, and tags. Once we make a choice, we’ll click Make All Inactive. You’ll see now that all six have the Inactive icon next to their name. Anything we selected for removal is now gone, and if we choose to filter the list for only active customers, they will no longer appear.

Now we’ll select the same customers and click Make Active. We’ll click the pop-up button to confirm, and now all selected customers have been returned to Active status.