Customize the Service Checklist (Web)

To learn how to customize the Service Checklist on the Skimmer website, see the video below. Or, if you prefer, scroll past the video to view our step-by-step text instructions.


Step-by-step instructions . . .


Click Settings, and then Service Checklist. These tasks will show up on every route stop for every tech. This only applies for regular service stops. It doesn’t include work orders, since they have their own checklists.


In top right corner, click Add. This will open a pop-up window. Description is what you and your techs will see on service checklist before this task has been performed. Description When Complete is what you’ll see after the item has been marked as completed, and it’s what the customer will see on the service email.

Two additional options. First, require that this item be marked as completed before the tech can finish the route stop. Second, require the tech to provide a photo before it can be marked as completed.

Click Save, and that there’s now a new task on the universal checklist.


To change a task, click Edit and change whatever you like. Click Save.

You can move any task. Just click, grab, drag and drop.

To remove a task, click Delete, confirm, and it’s gone. Any checklist item you delete will also remove it from service history. 


To add custom tasks to a single location, click on the Customers tab, then the customer profile. Then click the tab for Pool or whatever body of water this will apply to. Here you'll see another Service Checklist box.


Any task you add here will apply only to this body of water. Click Add, and in the pop-up window, enter descriptions for both before and after completion. Click Save and it’s added. You can also edit or delete these tasks when needed.