Complete a Work Order and Email the Customer (App)
Watch the video or scroll down for step-by-step instructions.
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Step-by-step instructions . . .
Tap the Route Dashboard tab to view the route assignment > tap the work order.
Tap the Work Performed field to enter service details.
Swipe right to mark an item installed.
- Installed items will be grayed out after swiping. Swipe right again to uninstall an item.
Swipe right to mark a checklist item complete.
- Checklist items will be grayed out after swiping. Swipe right again to undo. Asterisks indicate the checklist is required in order to complete the work order.
To add a note, tap Edit > enter notes > toggle on Alert the office (optional) > tap Save.
- Customers will not see these notes. Alert the office will send a notification email to the office.

To add a photo, tap the camera icon > tap Use Photo.
- The photo(s) will be included in the customer's email.

Tap Finish to complete the work order.
- Tapping 'Finish' will send the email to the customer.