Manage Service Notes (Web)
Watch the video or scroll down for step-by-step instructions.
Tiers: All
Before You Start: Service Notes once deleted are removed from a customer's service history, and cannot be restored. Service notes are created exclusively on the Skimmer app from a route stop.
Step-by-step instructions . . .
- 1
To view service notes, select Service Notes.
- 2
Select from the dropdown options to filter service notes (optional).
- Click and select from the green Both dropdown to filter by status.
- Click and select from the orange Both dropdown to filter by the type of service associated with the service note.
- Click and select from the Choose Date Range dropdown to filter by day, week or month.
- Click and select from the From and To fields to view a customized date range.
- 3
Click the checkbox to mark a service note as handled.
- 4
To edit a service note, click the Edit icon > Save.
- 5
To delete a service note, click the Trash Delete icon > Delete.