Add a Product (Web)

To learn how to add a custom product using the web portal, see the video below. Or, if you prefer, scroll past the video to view our step-by-step text instructions.


Step-by-step instructions . . .


In addition to Skimmer’s universal database of equipment, you have the ability to create and manage your own list of Products. You can add them to the shopping list, mark them as installed, and bill for them just like you would with items from Skimmer’s database. And because this Products list is unique to your company, you can assign extra information to items, such as category and price.

In this video, we’ll show you how to add a product for your company. On the website, click Settings and then Products.


Note first that you can edit or delete any products currently on your list. Keep in mind that delete only works if you haven’t added that item to the shopping list or marked it as installed. If you’ve only added it to the shopping list, you can remove it and then delete the product. Once you mark it as installed, though, it becomes part of the service history and can’t be deleted. But you can still edit the product and change its identifying information, such as name and category.

To create a new item, start by clicking Add Product in the top right corner.

This will open a pop-up screen, where you can enter the details of this item. Some fields are required, but others are optional, and the screen will indicate which ones you have to have. For demonstration, we’ll create a product and add a few details. Then click Save, and you’ll see it’s been added to your list of available products.


Now, how does your Products list help with your work? You can access and add these items directly to your shopping list. Let’s go to Shopping List and click on the Add button. Here you’ll see the products list included in your options. You can choose to add a product and associate it with a specific customer, or just add it for your company in general.

For demonstration, we’ll choose to add a product for a customer, which opens a selector box. Choose the customer, make sure the correct location and body of water are selected, and click Next.


On the next screen, click the dropdown to select a product. If you need to adjust the default description, quantity, or price for this customer, you can do so here. Otherwise, just leave them as-is. When you’re ready, click Save.

And now we see our Product on the shopping list. Once it’s marked as installed during service, Skimmer will record that installation and it will reflect in your billing and various reports.