Build a Pool Service Route Fast (Web)
To learn how to build and manage a route using Skimmer's web portal, see the video below. Or, if you prefer, scroll past the video to view our step-by-step text instructions.
Step-by-step instructions . . .
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With Skimmer, you can build an entire day’s route in minutes. We’re going to show you how. You’ll start by going to route builder screen on the web portal. Once you’re there, you’ll see a starting screen that looks like this.
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You’ll start by choosing the tech, and then the day you want to build the route for. To do that, look on the right side of the screen. Under the Customer/Location heading, click to open the dropdown menu, where you’ll see a list of your clients and their locations. Pick one to add. You’ll note that the route assignment already has the day you chose, and it defaults to a weekly assignment with no end date. If needed, feel free to adjust those before you move forward. For now, we’re going stick with the defaults and click Add Route Assignment. And you’ll see we’ve successfully added it to the schedule. We’re going to add a few more now so we can show you more features of the route builder.
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Now we have a nice selection. Except, I’ve added a stop that’s too far away from the others and decide I want to delete it from this route. How can I do that? There are two ways. The first way is to click the three dots next to the route assignment, which opens a pop-up menu. You’ve got options to zoom, move, edit, or delete this route assignment. The second way is to click the pin drop on the map, which gives you similar options. So we’re going to delete this route assignment and quickly add a new one.
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What if you want to rearrange the route stops? Click the number and hold, then drag it to the position you want and drop. You’ll note that the pindrop numbers on the map also change to reflect the new order.
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But you can also go farther and optimize the whole day’s route, just like you can do on the app. At the top, click Optimize Route and a new screen will pop up. This functions exactly the same way as we showed you on the Skimmer app. You can set your start and end points, whether they’re route stops or other company-relevant addresses such as a home office or even a coffee shop. You can also set defaults if you like. When you have the settings you prefer, click Optimize. Now the route is in an efficient order that complements how you work.
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On this screen, you’re not limited to just viewing the tech and day you originally chose. Your entire team and your entire schedule are available here. So if I want to choose a different tech and a different day, I can jump right to it and manage this route just like I did the previous one.
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Note a couple additional features by clicking More Options, which brings up a little sub-menu. The first option is to show only route assignments that are active as of a date you choose. This comes in handy when you’re planning seasonal changes to your route or route frequency.
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The second option will show you customers that are listed as active but do not currently have a route assignment. It’s a great way to identify customers that may have accidentally fallen through the cracks and aren’t getting serviced. Click that check box and, if there are any customers like this, you’ll see them on the map as a red pindrop. We have one here. Getting them scheduled is as easy as clicking on the pindrop and making the assignment.